[sig. E1v]
Soone growne and gone though somtime found, Not dead, but hid, from flattrers eie, (5) That pickthanks may not plucke the same: Thus haue I red your riddle Dame.
The third Riddle.
Within a flowre a seede there growes, Which somtime falls, but seldome springs, And if it spring, it seldome blowes, And if it blowe, no sweete it brings, (5) And therefore counted but a weede: Now gesse the flowre, and what the seede.
The Answere.
In fancies flowre is sorrowes seede, Which somtimes falls, but springs but seeld, And if it spring, tis but a weede, Which doth no sweete, nor sauor yeeld, (5) And yet the flowre, both faire and sweete, And for a Princes garden meete.
The fourth Riddle. +
Within a seede doth poison lurke, Which onely Spiders feede vpon, And yet the Bee can wisely woorke, To sucke out honie, poison gone: (5) Which honie, poison, Spider, Bee, Are hard to gesse, yet eath to see.