If you speake of a mans hart, I grant it to be
true; but as for the hart of a woman, it is like a
soule in a bodie; Tota in toto, & tota in qualibet parte: +
that though you had as many louers, as you haue
fingers and toes, you might be but one amongst
them all, and yet wholy euery ones: but bicause I
see you are peruersly deuoted to the cold sinceri-
tie of imaginarie constancie, I leaue you to be as
you may, and purpose my selfe to be as I list: Ne-
uertheles, to your Maiestie, by whom I haue ob-
tained this libertie, in token of my thankfulnes, I
offer this simple work of mine owne hands, + which
you may weare as you please, but I made it after
mine owne minde to be worne loose.
And I who by your comming am not onely set at
libertie, but made partaker also of constancie, doe
present you with as vnworthie a worke of mine
owne hands, which yet I hope you will better ac-
cept, bicause it will serue to binde the loosnes of
that inconstant dames token.
To binde the loosnes, and that of an inconstant
dame, say no more than you know, for you knowe
not so much as I feele; well may we bewray our
selues betweene our selues, as thinking we haue
said nothing, vntill we haue saide all. But now, a
greater power worketh in me, than your or my
reason, which draweth me from the circle of my
fancies, to the center of constant loue, there repre-
senting vnto me what contentment it is, to loue
but one, and how desire is satisfied with no num-
ber, when once it delighteth in more than one.
I am not, I cannot be as I was, the leaue that I
did take of my selfe, is to leaue my selfe, and to
change, or rather to be changed to that estate
which admitteth no change: by the secret power
of hir, which though she were content to let me be
caried almost out of breath with the winde of in-