for your eies looke outwarde, but as long as your
eies stand in your head as they doe, I doubt not but
to finde you inconstant.
I do not denie but I looke vpon others beside
him that I loue best, but they are all as dead pic-
tures vnto me, for any power they haue to touch
my hart.
If they were but (as you account them) dead pic-
tures, I do not doubt, but they would make an
other Pigmalion of you, rather than you would be
bound to the loue of one onely; but what if that
one prooue inconstant?
I had rather the fault should be his than mine.
It is a small comfort to say the fault is his, when
the losse is yours, but how can you auoid the fault,
who can helpe it and will not?
I see no way to helpe it, but by breach of faith,
which I hold deerer then my life.
What is the band of your faith?
My worde.
Your word is but winde, and no sooner spoken
than gone.
Yet doth it binde, to see what is spoken, done.
You can do little, if you cannot master your
I should do lesse, if my word did not master me.
It masters you indeed, for it makes you a slaue.
To none but one, whom I choose to serue.
It is basenes to serue, tho it be but one.
More base to dissemble with more than one.
When you loue all alike, you dissemble with
But if I loue many, will any loue me?
No doubt there will, and so much the more, by
how much the more they are that striue for you.
But the hart that is euery where, is indeede no