foode and life is hope, and the hope of hauing, is
dull without the feare of loosing, where there are
no ryuals.
But the more constant he findes me, the more
carefull he will be to deserue well of me.
You deceiue your selfe with that conceite, and
giue him no small aduantage to range where he li-
steth, when you let him know you are at his deuo-
tion, whom you shall be sure to haue at yours, if by
an indifferent cariage of your selfe, you breede an
emulation betweene him and others.
It were against nature for hir which is but one, to
loue more than one, and if it be a fault to beare a
double hart, what is it to diuide the hart among
I aske no other iudge than nature, especially in
this matter of loue, than which there is nothing
more naturall, and surely for any thing that I can
see, nature delighteth in nothing so much, as in va-
rietie; and it were hard, that since she hath appoin-
ted varietie of colours for the eie, variety of sounds
for the eare, varietie of meates for the mouth, and
varietie of other things for euery other sense, she
should binde the hart (to which all the rest doe ser-
uice) to the loue of one any more, than she bindeth
the eie to one colour, the eare to one sound, or the
mouth to one kinde of meate.
Neither doth she deny the hart varietie of choyse,
she onely requires constancie when it hath chosen.
What if we commit an error in our choise?
It is no fault to choose where we like.
But if our liking varie, may we not be better ad-
When you haue once chosen, you must turne
your eies inward, to looke onelie on him whom you
haue placed in your hart.
Why then I perceiue you haue not yet chosen,