[sig. B4v]
And parted thence with mounting flight, (220) To signifie to Ioue the case, What sorow nature doth sustaine, For Astrophill by enuie slaine.
And while I followed with mine eie, The flight the Egle vpward tooke, (225) All things did vanish by and by, And disappeered from my looke, The trees, beasts, birds, and groue was gone, So was the friend that made this mone.
This spectacle had firmely wrought, (230) A deepe compassion in my spright, My molting hart issude me thought, In streames foorth at mine eies aright, And heere my pen is forst to shrinke, My teares discollors so mine inke.
An Epitaph vpon the right Honorable
sir Philip Sidney knight: Lord
gouernor of Flushing. +
T O praise thy life, or waile thy woorthie death, And want thy wit, thy wit high, pure, diuine, Is far beyond the powre of mortall line, Nor any one hath worth that draweth breath.
(5) Yet rich in zeale, though poore in learnings lore, And friendly care obscurde in secret brest, And loue that enuie in thy life supprest, Thy deere life done, and death hath doubled more. +
And I, that in thy time and liuing state, (10) Did onely praise thy vertues in my thought, As one that seeld the rising sunne hath sought, With words and teares now waile thy timelesse fate.