[sig. A2r]

This Booke containeth these 14. most
speciall and woorthie
1 | The dead mans Right. | |
2 | An excellent Elegie, with two speciall Epitaphes vpon the death of sir Philip Sydney, |
pag. 1. |
3 | The praise of Chastitie, | 12 |
4 | A Dialogue betweene Constancie and Inconstancie, |
16 |
5 | A Garden plot, | 21 |
6 | A Dream of Ladies & their Riddles, | 23 |
7 | The Chesse play, | 28 |
8 | Another rare Dreame, | 31 |
9 | An excellent Passion, | 63 |
10 | A notable description of the World, | 77 |
11 | A Counterloue, | 80 |
12 | A description of Loue, | 90 |
13 | A description of Iealousie, | 91 |
14 | The praise of Virginitie, | 93 |
With other excellent and rare