[sig. Miir]
Euen so pale death, oft spares the wretched wight, And woundeth you, who wallow in delight.
(25) You lustie youthes, that nourish high desire, Abase your plumes, which makes you looke so bigge, The Colliers Cut, the Courtiers Steede will tire: +Euen so the Clarke, the Parsons graue doth digge, whose happe so is, yet here long life to winne, (30) Doth heape God wott, but sorrow vpon sinne.
And to be short, all sortes of men take heede, The thunderboltes, the loftie towers teare, +The lightning flash, consumes the house of reede: Yea more in time, all earthly thinges will weare, (35) Saue onely man, who as his earthly time is, Shall liue in woe, or els in endlesse blisse.
FINIS. G. Gask.
A wittie and pleasaunt consaite. +
W Hat fonde delight, what fancies straunge, what deepe despight, what sodaine chaunge: what stilling strife, + what deepe debates, Doe runne so rife, in doltishe pates.
(5) Who vewes and sees, and takes no heede, who seekes degrees, and can not speede: In steade of ioyes, shall reape such woes, As breed annoyes, twixt frendes and foes.
who wiuing wantes, and liues alone, (10) when thriuing scantes, is ouerthrowne: who seekes to thriue, and finde no way, May chaunce to striue, and marre the play.
who spendes his wealth, and winnes the wine, Doth hurt himselfe, and helpe the swine: (15) who hauntes the house, where Ale is sold, May gayne a croust, and lose his gold.