[sig. Liv]
All these in fine may not compare, experience so doth proue, Unto the tormentes sharpe and straunge, of such as be in Loue.
Loue lookes a loft, and laughes to scorne, all such as grief anoy, (10) The more extreame their passions be, the greater is his ioy: thus loue as victor of the field, triumphes aboue the rest, And ioyes to see his subiectes lye, with liuing death in brest. But dire disdaine letts driue a shaft, & gaules this bragging foole, He pluckes his plumes, unbends his bow, & setts him new to schoole (15) Whereby this boy that bragged late, as conquerour ouer all, Now yeldes himselfe vnto disdaine his vassall and his thrall.
FINIS. W. Hunnis.
Of a contented state. +
I N wealth we see some wealthy men, abounde in wealth most wealthely, In wealth we see those men agayne, in wealth do liue most wretchedly: And yet of wealth hauing more store, Then earst of wealth they had before.
(5) These wealthy men do seeme to want, they seeme to want that most they haue, The more posses, the more they craue, the more they craue, the greater store: That most they haue, they thinke but skant, +Yet not content, woe be therfore.
The simple men that lesse wealth haue, with lesser wealth we see content: (10) Content are they twixt wealth and scathe, a life to lead indifferent: And thus of wealth, these men haue more, Then those of which we spoke before.
FINIS. W. Hunnis.