[sig. Liir]
My wonted cheare, Eclipsed by the cloud, Of deepe disdayne, through errour of report, If wearie woe, enwrapped in the shroude, (10) Lyes slayne by tongue, of the vnfrendly sort. Yet heauen and earth, and all that nature wrought, I call to vowe of my vnspotted thought.
No shade I seeke, in part to shield my tainte, But simple truth, I hunt no other sute: (15) On that I gape, the issue of my plainte, If that I quayle, let iustice me confute. If that my place, emongest the giltlesse sort, Repay by doome, my name and good report. +
Goe heauy verse, pursue desired grace, (20) Where pitie shrinde, in cell of secret brest, Awaites my hast, the rightfull lot to place, And lothes to see, the guiltlesse man opprest. Whose vertues great, hath crownde her more with fame, then kingly state, though largely shine the same.
FINIS. L. Vaux.
Of the meane estate. +
T He higher that the Cedar tree, vnto the heauens do grow, the more in daungers is the top, when sturdy windes gan blow: +Who iudges then in Princely throne, to be deuoide of hate, Doth not yet know what heapes of ill, lyes hid in such estate. +(5) Such daungers great, such gripes of mynde, such toyle do they sustaine, that often tymes of God they wish, to be vnkingd agayne.
For as the huge and mightie rockes, withstand the raging seas, So kingdomes in subiection be, whereas dame Fortune please: Of brittles ioy, of smilyng cheare, of honnie mixt with gall, (10) Alotted is to euery Prince, in freedome to be thralls. What watches long, what sleepes vnsure, what grief and cares of mynde, What bitter broyles, what endlesse toyles, to kingdomes be assignde.