[sig. Liiir]
To haue a feined frend, no perill like I finde, Oft flering face may mantell best, a mischief in the minde: A paire of Angels eares oft times, doth hide a Serpentes hart, (10) Under whose gripes who so doth come, tos late bewailes the smart, wherfore I do aduise, who so doth frend, frend so, As though to morrow next, he should become a mortall foe.
Refuse respecting frendes, that courtly know to fayne, For gold that winnes for gold, shall lose, the selfe same frend agayne: (15) The quayle needes neuer feare, the foulers netts to fall, If he would neuer bend his eare, to listen to his call. Therfore trust not to soone, but when you frend, frend so, As though to morrow next, ye fearde for to become a fo.
FINIS. L. Vaux.
He renounceth all the effectes of Loue. +
L Ike as the Harte, that lifteth vp his eares, To heare the houndes, that hath him in the chase: Doth cast the winde, in daungers and in feares, With flying foote, to passe away apace. (5) So must I flie, of Loue the vayne pursute, whereof the gayne, is lesser then the fruite.
And I also, must loth those learing lookes, Where Loue doth lurke, still with his subtile sleight: with painted mockes, and inward hidden hookes, (10) To trappe by trust, that lyeth not in wayte. The end whereof, assay it who so shall, As sugred smart, and inward bitter gall.
And I must flie such Syrians songes, Wherewith that Circes , Vlisses did enchaunt: (15) These willie wattes, I meane with filed tongues, That hartes of steele haue power to daunt: Who so as Hauke, that stoopeth to their call, For most deserte, receiueth least of all.
But woe to me, that first beheld these eyes,