[sig. Kiiiir]
Although in deede it sprong of ioye, yet other thought it was annoye, Thus contraries be vsed I finde, of wise to cloke the couert minde.
I Haniball that smiles for griefe, and let you Cæsars teares suffice, (10) The one that laughes at his mischiefe, the other all for ioye that cries: I smile to see me scorned so, you weepe for ioy to see me woe, And I in heart by Loue slaine dead, presentes a place of Pompeis head.
O cruell hap, and hard estate, that forceth me to loue my foe, Accursed be so foule a fate, my choise for to prefixe it so: (15) So long to fight with secret sore, and finde no secret salue therefore, Some purge their pain by plaint I find, but I in vaine do breath my winde.
¶ A young Gentleman willing to trauell into forreygne partes
being intreated to staie in England: Wrote
as followeth. +
W Ho seekes the way to winne renowne, Or flieth with winges of high desire Who seekes to weare the Lawrell crowne, Or hath the minde that would aspire, (5) Let him his natiue soyle escheweLet him goe range and seeke anewe.
Eche hautie heart is well contente, With euery chaunce that shall betideNo happe can hinder his intent. (10) He steadfast standes though Fortune slide: The Sunne saith he doth shine aswell Abroad as earst where I did dwell.
In chaunge of streames each fish can liue, Eache fowle content with euery ayre: (15) The noble minde eache where can thriue, And not be drownd in deepe dispayre: Wherefore I iudge all landes alike To hautie heartes that Fortune seeke.