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And thus fare well more deare to me, then chiefest friend I haue, Whose loue in hart I minde to shrine, till death his fee doe craue.
FINIS. M. Edwardes.
¶ He complayneth his mishap. +
S Hall rigour raigne where ruth hath run, shall fansie now forsake? Shall fortune lose that fauour wonne, shall not your anger slake? Shall hatefull heart be had in you, that friendly did pretend, Shall slipper thought and faith vntrue, that heart of yours defend?
(5) Shall Nature shew your beautie faire, that gentle seemes to be? shall frowardnesse your fansies heire, be of more force then she? shall now disdaine the dragge of Death, direct and lead the way? shall all the Impes vpon the yearth, reioyce at my decay?
Shall this the seruice of my youth, haue such reward at last? (10) shall I receiue rigour of ruthe, and be from fauour cast? shall I therefore berent my heares, with wightes that wish to dye; Or shall I bathe my selfe with teares, to feede your fickle eye.
No, no, I shall in paine lye still, with Turtle Doue most true, And vow my selfe to wit and will, their counsels to ensue: (15) Good Ladies all that louers be, and that to be pretende, Giue place to wit, let reason seeme, your enemies to defende.
Least that you thinke as I haue thought, your selfe to striue in vayne, And so to be in thraldome brought, with me to suffer paine.
FINIS. W. Hunnis.
¶ No foe to a flatterer. +
I Would it were not as I thinke, I would it were not so, I am not blinde although I winke, + I feele what windes doe blowe: I know where craft with smiling cheare, creepes into boldned brest I heare how fayned speeches speakes fayre, where hatred is possest. (5) I see the serpent lye and lurke, vnder the greene +I see him watche a time to worke, his poyson to bestowe.
In friendly looke such fraude is founde, as faith for feare is fled, And friendship hath receiu’de such wound, as he is almost dead: