[sig. Hiir]
(5) Zaleuch the Prince of Locrine once, appointed by decree, Ech lecherer should be punished, with losse of either eye: His sonne by chaunce offended first, which when his father saw, Lord God how earnest then was he, to execute the law. Then ranne the people all by flockes, to him with weeping eyes, (10) Not one among the rout there was, but pardon, pardon cries: By whose outcries and earnest sute, his sonne in hope did stand, That he thereby should then obtaine, some pardon at his hand. But all in vayne, for he is found, to be the man he was, And maketh hast so much the more, to haue the law to passe: (15) The people yet renued their sute, in hope of some relief, Whose faces all besprent with teares, did testifie their grief. And cried all for pities sake, yeld now to our request, If all you will not cleane remit, yet ease the payn at least: Then somewhat was the father moued, with all the peoples voyce, (20) And euery man did giue a shoute, to shew they did reioyce. well then (quoth he) it shall be thus, the law shall be fulfilde, And yet my sonne shall fauour haue, according as you wilde: One eye of his shall be pulde out, thus hath his leudnesse got, And likewise so shall one of myne, though I deserue it not. (25) This word no sooner was pronounced, but straite the deede was done, two eyes, no more were left, betwene the father and the sonne: Say now who can, and on my fayth Appollo he shall be, Was he more gentle father loe? or iuster iudge trow ye. this man would not his lawes belike, the webbes the spiders weue, (30) Wherein they lurke when they intend, the simple to deceiue: Wherewith small flies full soone be caught, and tangled ere they wist, When great ones flie and scape away, and breake them as they list.
FINIS. M. Edwardes.
57. Temperaunce. Spurina and the Romaine Ladies. +
I F nature beare thee so great loue, that she in thee haue beautie plast, Full hard it is as we do proue, to keepe the body cleane and chast: Twixt comelinesse and chastitie, A deadly strife is thought to bee. +(5) For beautie which some men suppose, to be as tware a golden ill, Prouoketh strife and many foes, that seeke on her to worke her will: Assaultes to townes if many make, No towne so strong but may be take.