[sig. Giiiir]
51. If thou desire to liue in quiet rest,
Giue eare and see, but say the best. +
I F thou delight, in quietnesse of life, Desire to shun, from braules, debate and strife: To liue in loue with God, with friend and fo, In rest shalt sleepe, when others can not so.
(5) Giue eare to all, yet do not all beleeue, And see the ende, and then doe sentence giue: But say for truth, of happie liues assinde, The best hath he, that quiet is in minde.
FINIS. W. Hunis.
52. Beyng forsaken of his frend,
he complayneth. +
W Hy should I linger long to liue, In this disease of fantasie: Since Fortune doth not cease to giue, Thinges to my minde most contrarie. (5) And at my ioyes doth lowre and frowne, Till she hath tourned them vpsidowne.
A frend I had to me most deare, And of long time faithfull and iust: There was no one, my hart so neare, (10) Nor one in whom I had more trust. whom now of late, without cause why, Fortune hath made my enemy.
The grasse me thinkes should grow in Skie, The Starres vnto the earth cleaue fast: (15) The water streame should passe awrie, The windes should leaue their strength of blast. The Sunne and Moone by one assent, Should both forsake the firmament.