[sig. Fiiv]
Although the Seas so calmely glide, as daungers none appeare, And doubt of stormes, in skye is none, king Phæbus shines so cleare: (15) Yet when the boisterous windes breake out, and raging waues do swell, The selie barke now heaues to heauen, now sinckes agayne to hell. Thus chaunge in euery thing we see, And nothing constaunt seemes to bee. Who floweth most in worldly wealth, of wealth is most vnsure, (20) And he that chiefly tastes of ioy, doe sometime woe endure: Who vanteth most of numbred frendes, forgoe them all he must, The fayrest flesh and liuely bloud, is tourn’d at length to dust. Experience giues a certaine ground, That certaine here, is nothing found. (25) Then trust to that which aye remaines, the blisse of heauens aboue, Which Time, nor Fate, nor Winde, nor Storme, is able to remoue. Trust to that sure celestiall rocke, that restes in glorious throne, That hath bene, is, and must be still, our anker hold alone. The world is but vanitie, (30) In heauen seeke we our suretie.
FINIS. F. Kindlemarshe.
44. A vertuous Gentlewoman in the prayse of her loue. +
I Am a virgin fayre and free, and freely doe reioyce, I sweetly warble sugred notes, from siluer voyce: For which delightfull ioyes, yet thanke I curteous Loue, By whose almightie power, such sweete delightes I proue.
(5) I walke in pleasaunt fieldes, adorn’d with liuely greene, And vewe the fragrant flowers, most louely to be seene: The purple Columbine, the Couslippe and the Lillie, The Uiolet sweete, the Daizie and Daffadillie.
The woodbines on the hedge, the red Rose and the white, (10) And eche fine flowers els, that rendreth sweete delight: Emong the which I chose, all those of seemeliest grace, In thought, resembling them, to my deare louers face.
His louely face I meane, whose golden flouring giftes,