[sig. Fiiir]
His euerliuing fame, to loftie skye vpliftes: (15) Whom louing me I loue, onely for vertues sake, When vertuosly to loue, all onely care I take.
Of all which fresh fayre flowers, that flower that doth appeare, In my conceipt, most like to him I hold so deare: I gather it, I kisse it, and eke deuise with it, (20) Such kinde of louely speach, as is for louers fit.
And then of all my flowers, I make a garland fine, With which my golden wier heares, together I doe twine: And set it on my head, so taking that delight, That I would take, had I my louer still in sight.
(25) For as in goodly flowers, myne eyes great pleasure finde, So are my louers giftes, most pleasaunt to my mynde: Upon which vertuous giftes, I make more repast, Then they that for loue sportes, the sweetest ioyes doe tast.
45. Oppressed with sorrow, he wisheth Death. +
I F Fortune may enforce, the carefull hart to cry, And gripyng grief constraine, the wounded wight lament: Who then alas to mourne, hath greater cause then I, Against whose hard mishap, both heauen and earth is bent. (5) For whom no helpe remaines, for whom no hope is left, From whom all happy hap is fled, and pleasure quite bereft: Whose life naught can prolong, whose health, naught can procure, Whose passed proofe of pleasaunt ioy, Mischaunce hath chaunged to griefes anoy. (10) And loe whose hope of better day, Is ouerwhelm’d with long delay. Oh hard mishap. Eche thing I plainly see, whose vertues may auayle, To ease the pinching payne, which gripes the groning wight: (15) By Phisickes sacred skill, whose rule doth seldome fayle. Through labours long inspect, is plainly brought to light.