[sig. Eir]
(25) And thus where I before had thought, no hap my fortune might encrease, A double blisse this chaunce forth brought, so did my Ladies loue me please: Her faith so firme, and constant such, As neuer hart, can prayse too much. But now with tormentes straunge I tast, the fickle stay of fortunes wheele, (30) And where she raysed from high to cast, with greater force of grief to feele: For from this hap of sodaine frowne, Of Princes face she threw me downe. And thus exchaunge now hath it made, by libertie a thing most deare, In hatefull prison for to fade, where sundred from my louing feare: (35) My wealth and health, standes at like stay, Obscurely to consume away. And last when humaine force was none, could part our loue wherein we liued, My Ladies life alas is gone, most cruell death hath it bereued: Whose vertues, her, to God hath wonne, (40) And left me here, a man vndoen.
31. A worthy dittie, song before the Queenes
Maiestie at Bristow. +
M Istrust not troth, that truely meanes, for euery ielous freke, In stead of wrong, condemne not right, no hidden wrath to wreke: Looke on the life of faultlesse life, how bright her vertues shine, And measure out her steppes ech one, by leuell and by line.
(5) Deme eche desart by vpright gesse, whereby your prayse shall liue, If malice would be matcht with might, let hate no iudgement giue: Enforce no feare with wresting wittes, in quiet conscience brest, +Lend not your eares to busie tounges, which breedeth much vnrest.
In doubtfull driftes wade not to farre, it wearies but the minde, (10) Seeke not to search the secret hartes, whose thoughtes are hard to finde: Auoyde from you those hatefull heades, that helpes to heape mishap, Be slow to heare the flatterers voyce, that creepeth in your lap.
Embrace their loue that willes you good, and sport not at their prayse, Trust not too much vnto your selfe, for feeble are your stayes: (15) How can your seate be setled fast, or stand on stedfast ground.