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Beare not a frendly face, with hart of Iudas kisse, +It shewes, a base and vile conceipt, and not where valure is.
(25) Flye from a faunyng flurt, and from a coggyng mate, Their loues breedes losse, their prayse reproch, their frendship breeds but hate, Seeke not to loose by wiles, that law and duetie bindes, They be but helpes of Banckrupts heads, and not of honest myndes.
The motions of the flesh, and Collers heate restraine, (30) For heapes of harmes do dayly hap, where lust or rage doth raigne: In diet, deede and wordes, a modest meane is best, Inough sufficeth for a feast, + but riot findes no rest.
And so to make an end, let this be borne away: That vertue alwayes be thy guide, so shalt thou neuer stray.
¶In prayse of the Snayle. +
T He deepe turmoyled wight, that liues deuoyde of ease, Whose wayward wittes are often found, more wauering then the seas: Seekes sweete repose abroad, and takes delight to rome, Where reason leaues the Snayle for rule, to keepe a quiet home.
(5) Leape not before thou looke, + lest harme thy hope assayle; Hast hauocke makes in hurtfull wise, + wherfore be slow as Sayle: Refrayne from rash attempt, let take heede be thy skill, Let wisedome bridle brainsicke wit, and leasure worke thy will.
Dame reason biddes I say, in thynges of doubt be slacke, (10) Lest rashnesse purchase vs the wrong, that wisedome wills vs lacke: By rashnesse diuers haue bene deadly ouercome, By kindly creepyng on like Snayle, duke Fabe + his fame hath wonne.
Though some as swift as haukes, can stoope to euery stale, Yet I refuse such sodayne flight, and will seeme slow as Snayle: