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Who may and will not take, + may wish he had so doen, Who may and it doth take, may thinke he tooke to soone: So ioyne your May with wisedomes lore, and then you may be sure, (20) Who makes his May in other sort, his vnrest may procure. Some May before May come, some May when May is past, Some make their May too late, and some do make post hast: Let wisdome rule I say your May, and thus I make an ende, And May, that when you list to May, a good May God you sende.
30. Hauyng maried a worthy Ladie, and taken away
by death, he complayneth his mishap. +
I N youth when I at large did lead, my life in lusty liberty, When heauy thoghts no one did spread, to let my pleasant fantasy: No fortune seemd, so hard could fall, This freedome then, that might take thrall. (5) And twenty yeres I scarse had spent, + when to make ful my happy fate Both treasures great were on me cast, with lands and titles of estate: So as more blest then I, stoode than, Eke as me thought was neuer man. For of Dame Fortune who is he, could more desire by iust request, (10) Then health, with welth, and liberty, al which at once I this possest: But masking in this iolly ioye, A sodain sight, prooud all a toy. For passing on these merry days, with new deuise of pleasures great, And now & then to vew the raies, of beauties works with cunning feate: (15) In heauenly hewes, all which as one, I oft beheld, but bound to none. And one day rowlyng thus my eyes, + vpon these blessed wights at ease, Emongst the rest one did I se, who straight my wandring loke did sease: And stayed them firme, but such a sight, (20) Of beautie yet sawe neuer wight. What shall I seke to praise it more, where tongs cannot wel praise the same, But to
be short to louers lore, I straight my sences al did frame And were it wit, or were it chaunce, I wonne the Garlande in this daunce.
be short to louers lore, I straight my sences al did frame And were it wit, or were it chaunce, I wonne the Garlande in this daunce.