[sig. Diiiir]
(5) The day in dole, that seemeth long, to passe with sighes and heauy cheare: And with these eyes I vewe the wrong, that I sustayne by liuyng here. Where my mishaps as rife do dwell, As plagues within the pit of hell. A wailyng wight I walke alone, in desart dennes there to complayne: (10) Among the sauage sort to moue, I flee my frendes where they remayne. And pleasure take to shunne the sight, Where erst I felt my great delight. A captiue clapt in chaynes of care, lapt in the lawes of lethall loue: My flesh & bones consumed bare, with crauling griefes full straunge to proue. (15) Though hap doth bid me hope at least, Whiles grasse doth grow, yet starues the beast. +A sieged fort with forraine force, for want of ayde, must yeld at last, So must my wearied pined corse, submit it selfe to bitter tast: +Of craulyng care that crackes my brest, (20) Till hope of death, shall breake my rest.
¶ A reply to M. Edwardes Maie. +
I Read a Maiyng rime of late, delighted much my eare, It may delight as many moe, as it shall read or heare: To see how there is shewed, how May is much of price, And eke to May when that you may, euen so is his aduice. (5) It seemes he ment to May himselfe, and so to vse his skill, For that the tyme did serue so well, in May to haue his will: His onely May was ease of mynde, so farre as I can gesse, And that his May his mynde did please, a man can iudge no lesse.
And as himselfe did reape the fruites, of that his pleasaunt May, (10) He wills his freend the same to vse, in tyme when as he may: He is not for himselfe it semes, but wisheth well to all, For that he would they should take May, in tyme when it doth fall. So vse your May, you may, it can not hurtfull be, And May well vsed in tyme and place, may make you merie glee: (15) Modest Maiyng meetest is, of this you may be sure, A modest Maiyng quietnesse, to Mayers doth procure.