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(15) But Uertue simply deales, she shuns deceptfull traine. Who is by Uertue raised vp, shall neuer fall againe: Sticke fast to Uertue then, that giues assured trust, And fly from Fortunes frekes, that euer proue vniust.
15. Promise is debt. +
I N my accompt, the promise that is vowed, Emong the good, is holden such a debt: As he is thought, no whit to be allowed, That setteth light, his promise to forget: (5) And for my part, I will not linke in loue, With fickle folke, whose fancies ought remoue.
My happy gayne, I doe esteeme for such, As few haue founde, in these our doubtfull dayes: To finde a frend, I thinke it be as much, (10) As to win a fort, full fraught of noble prayse: Of all the goodes, that there may be possest, A faithfull frend, I iudge to be the best.
O frendly league, although to late begun, Yet time shall trye, our troth as well imployed: (15) And that we both, shall see that we haue doen, Such fastned fayth, as can not be destroyed: By enuious rage, or slaunders bitter blow, That alwayes seekes the good to ouerthrow.
FINIS. R. Hill.