[sig. Ciiiv]
(25) Doe thou no more, in idle wordes exceede, Then thou intendes, to doe in very deede: So good report, shall spread thy worthy prayse, For being iust, in word and deede alwayes.
You worldly wightes, that worldly doers are, (30) Before you let, your word slip out to farre: Consider well, what inconuenience springes, By breache of promise made, in lawfull thinges: First, God mislikes where such deceipt doth swarme, Next, it redoundeth vnto thy neighbours harme: (35) And last of all, which is not least of all, For such offence, thy conscience suffer shall: As barren groundes, bringes forth but rotten weedes, From barren wordes, so fruitlesse chaffe proceedes: As sauerie flowers, doe spring in fertill ground, (40) So trusty frendes, by triall soone are found: To shunne therfore, the worst that may ensue, Let deedes alway, approue thy sayinges true.
Who will aspire to dignitie:
20. By learnyng must aduaunced be. +
T He poore that liue in needy rate, by learnyng do great richesse gayne, The rich that liue in wealthy state, by learning doe their wealth main∣tayne: Thus rich and poore, are furthered still, By sacred rules of learned skill.
(5) All fond conceiptes of franticke youth, the golden gift of learning stayes, Of doubtfull things to search the truth, learning sets forth the ready wayes: O happy him do I repute, Whose breast is fraught with learning fruite.
There growes no corne within the field, that Oxe and plough did neuer till, (10) Right so the mynde no fruite can yeld, that is not lead by learninges skill: Of ignoraunce comes rotten weedes, Of learning springes right noble deedes.