[sig. Aiiiir]
(15) And though no force resist thy power, and seeke thee to confounde, Yet doth the paise of waighty thinges, decline it selfe to grounde. For restlesse tipe of rowlling wheele, example hath it tride, To heauie burden yeeld it must, full soone and slippe aside: What vailes the riche his bed of Doune, the sighes for sleeplesse thought, (20) what time in couche of flocke, the poore, sleepes sound and feareth nought At homely boorde his quiet foote, his drinkes in treene be tane, when oft the proude in cuppes of golde, with wine receiue their bane: The bed, the boord, they dread in doubt, with traine to be opprest: when fortune frownes, their power must yeeld, as wire vnto the wrest. +(25) who so thou be that sits alowe, and tread the valleyes pathe, Thou needes not feare the Thunder boltes of mightie Ioue his wrathe: If Icarus had not presumed too high, to take his flight, He had not yet bene drowned in Seas, that now Icarian hight, If Phaeton had not enterprised, to guide his fathers seate, (30) His fiers had not inflamed the worlde, nor beene destroyed with heate: But who so climes aboue the meane, there is no hope of stay, The higher vp, the sooner downe, and neerer his decay. Then you that here in pompe are plaste, to guide the golden mace, Let Crowne and Scepter both obay, the meane of vertues race: (35) For neither shall renowmed vertue, see the pitte of hell, Nor yet in tombe of Marble stone, she shall abide to dwell. And in that tombe full brauely deckte, when that she shall depart, God sende her rest and all thinges well, according to desarte: But from Sepulcher flies she hence, beyond the skies aboue, (40) And glistering in the blisfull starres, she raignes with mighty Ioue.
FINIS. Iasper Heiwood.
3. The perfect trial of a faithful friend. +
N Ot staied state, but feeble staie, not costly robes, but bare araie, Not passed wealth, but present want, not heaped store, but slender skant Not plenties purse, but poore estate, not happy hap, but froward fate: Not wish at will, but want of ioy, not hearts good health, but hearts anoye. (5) Not freedomes vse, but prisoners thrall, not costly seate, but lowest fall: Not weale I meane but wretched woe, doth truely trie the friend from foe: And naught but froward fortune proues, who fauning feines, or simply loues.
FINIS. M. Yloop.