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The Hart to hunt, and set about, with wilie trace, (5) He doth it more to see and view, Her wilinesse (I tell you true.) Her trips and skips, now here, now there, With squats and flats hath no pere. ¶ More than to win or get the game (10) to beare away: He is not greedie of the same, (thus Hunters saie: So some men hunt by hote desire, To Venus Dames, and do require (15) With fauor to haue her, or els they wil die, they loue her, & prooue her, and wot ye why? ¶ Forsooth to see her subtilnesse, & wily way, When they (God knows) mean nothing lesse than they do say: (20) For when they see they may her win, They leaue then where they did begin. they prate and make the matter nice, And leaue her in fooles paradice. ¶ Wherefore of such (good Ladie now) (25) wisely beware, Least flinging fancies in their brow, do breed you care: And at the first giue them the checke, Least they at last giue you the geck, (30) And scornfully disdaine ye then, In faith there are such kind of men.