[sig. Ciiir]
¶ For why he thought the lion had, (50) faire Thisbie slaine. And then the beast with his bright blade, he slew certaine: Then made he mone and said alas, (O wretched wight) (55) Now art thou in a woful case for Thisbie bright: Oh Gods aboue, my faithfull loue shal neuer faile this need: For this my breath by fatall death, (60) shal weaue Atropos threed. ¶ Then from his sheathe he drew his blade, and to his hart He thrust the point, and life did vade, with painfull smart: (65) Then Thisbie she from cabin came with pleasure great, And to the well apase she ran, there for to treat: And to discusse, to Pyramus (70) of al her former feares. And when slaine she, found him truly, she shed foorth bitter teares. ¶ When sorrow great that she had made, she took in hand (75) The bloudie knife, to end her life, by fatall hand. You Ladies all, peruse and see, the faithfulnesse,