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Maruailing what they weare, And stil deuoid of care, (25) on them cast his eie: But when the Nymphs had perceiued him, aloud then they cried, Enclosed her, and thought to hide her skin, which he had spied: (30) But too true I tell you, She seene was, For in height she did passe, Ech Dame of her race, Harke then Acteons case: (35) When Diana did perceue, where Acteon did|( stand, She took bowe in her hand, And to shoot she began. ¶ As she began to shoot, Acteon ran about, To hide he thought no boote, (40) his sights were dim: And as he thought to scape, Changed was Acteons shape, Such was vnluckie fate, yeelded to him: (45) For Diana brought it thus to passe, and plaied her part, So that poore Acteon changed was to a hugie Hart, And did beare, naught but haire: (50) In this change, Which is as true as strange, And thus did he range,