[sig. Bvir]
Hey-ho, darling: (70) With lustie loue, now let vs sing, Plaie on, Minstrel, My Ladie is mine onelie girle.
The Historie of Diana and Acteon. +
To the Quarter Braules. +
D Iana and her darlings deare, Walkt once as you shall heare: Through woods and waters cleare, themselues to play: (5) The leaues were gay and green, And pleasant to be seen: They went the trees between, in coole aray, So long, that at the last they found a place, of waters full cleare: (10) So pure and faire a Bath neuer was found many a yeare. There shee went faire and gent, Her to sport, as was her wonted sort: In such desirous sort:, Thus goeth the report: (15) Diana dainteously began her selfe therein to |(bathe And her body for to laue, So curious and braue. ¶ As they in water stood, Bathing their liuelie blood: +(20) Acteon in the wood, chaunst to come by: And vewed their bodies bare,