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Her once t’mbrace, or yet her visage pale, (35) To kisse full ofte, and as I should bewayle. But since from mee thou hast the meane outchast, Of this poore ioy, thy might I heere defie: For maugre thee, and all the power thou hast, In Plutoes raigne togeather will wee bee: (40) And you my loue, since you are dead for mee, Good reason is, that I for you agayne: Receiue no lesse but euen the selfsame payne. Ah Mulberie, thou witnes of our woe, Right vnder thee assigned was, the place (45) Of all our ioy, but thou our common foo, Consented hast, vnto her death alas: Of beauty all, that had alone the grace, And therfore as the cheefe of others all, Let men the Tree of deadly woe thee call. (50) Graunt our great God, for honor of thy name, A guerdon of the woe, wee shall here haue: For I nill liue, shee dead that rulde the same , +Pronounce (O Pluto ) from thy hollow Caue: Where stayes thy raigne, and let this tree receiue, (55) Such sentence iust, as may a witnesse bee, Of dollour most, to all that shall it see.
A Nd with those wordes, his naked blade hee fiersly from his side Out drew, & through his brest, it forst with mortal wound to glide, The streames of gory blood out glush, but hee with manly hart, (60) Careles, of death and euery payne, that death could them imparte. His Thisbies kercheefe hard hee straines, & kist with stedfast chere And harder strainde, and ofter kist, as death him drew more nere The Mulberies whose hue before, had euer white lo beene, To blackish collour straight transformed, & black ay since are seen. (65) And Thisbie then who all that while, had kept the hollow tree, Least hap her Louers long aboad, may seeme him mockt to bee. +Shakes of all feare, and passeth foorth in hope her loue to tell, What terror great shee late was in, and wonderous case her fel: