[sig. Piiir]
Eche man doth mone, when faythfull freends be dead, (20) And paynt them out, as well as wits doo serue: But I, a Mayde, am forst to vse my head, To wayle my freend (whose fayth) did prayse deserue: Wit wants to will: alas? no skill I haue, +Yet must I needes deplore my Gruffithes graue: (25) For William, white: for Gruffith, greene: I wore, And red, longe since did serue to please my minde: Now, blacke, I weare, of mee, not vs’d before, In liew of loue, alas? this losse I finde: Now must I leaue, both, White, and Greene, and Red, (30) And wayle my freend, who is but lately dead. Yet hurtfull eyes, doo bid mee cast away, In open show, this carefull blacke attyre: Because it would, my secret loue bewray, And pay my pate, with hatred for my hyre: (35) Though outwardly, I dare not weare thesame, Yet in my hart, a web of blacke I frame. You Ladyes all, that passe not for no payne, But haue your louers lodged in your laps: I craue your aydes, to helpe mee mourne amayne, (40) Perhaps your selues, shall feele such carefull claps: Which (God forbid) that any Lady taste, Who shall by mee but only learne to waste. My wits be weake an Epitaphe to write, +Because it doth require a grauer stile: (45) My phrase doth serue but rudely to recite, How Louers losse doth pinch mee all this while: Who was as prest to dye for Gruffithes sake, As Damon, did for Pithias vndertake. +But William had a worldly freend in store, (50) Who writ his end to small effect (God knowes) But I. and H. his name did show no more, Rime Ruffe it is, the common sentence goes, It hangs at Pawles as euery man goes by, +One ryme too low, an other rampes too hye.