[sig. Oiiv]
T Hough many tokens ioyful newes haue, +(175) And blisse redust, to carefull pyned ghost: Yet mayst thou sweare, that neuer lyued hee yet, Who halfe such ease, receiued in pleasure most: As thou sweete pendant, now in wofull brest Impersid hast, O happy Pyramus, (180) Nay beeing a Lady, in whom such ruthe can rest: Most blisfull Lady, most mighty Venus, And mighty Thisbie (yea) Venus not displeased, My Goddesse cheefe, my loue, my life and all: For who but Thisbie would, nay could haue eased, (185) A hart remedyles, abandon thrall: Wherfore since thus ye please, to show your might, Make mee whole happy, with gladnesse of your sight.
W Hiles Pyramus all clad in ioy, thus talkes within the wall, No lesse content, doth Thisbie stand without and heareth al: (190) And with those gladsom lightes, where loue doth sightly ioy to play, And vanquish harts her loue shee vewes in minde somwhat to say But maydenly feare plucks backe the word, dread stops her trimbling |(tongue, A rossy hew inflames her face, with staine of red among. Yet lo at length her minde shee stayes, her sences doo awake, (195) And with a sweet soft sounding voyce, this answer doth she make. Loue Pyramus, more deare to mee then lyfe, Euen as I first this way, for speech haue found: Of present death, so let the dreadfull knyfe, At this instant for euer mee confound: (200) If ioyfull thought my passing pensiue harte, Did euer pearse, since parents cruell dome. Pronounst the sentence, of our common smart, No deare hart mine, for how alasse may blome: The fading tree, whose sap deuided is, (205) Ye, further sweet, I dare with you presume: Your passed woes, but pastimes ware I wis, In their respect, that did mee whole consume. But now sharpe sighes, so stop my willing speeche, Such streames of teares, doo dim my troubled sight: