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Or make esteeme, as yee of mee haue made, But ten times more, if that more wo begone, Might euer bee a wretched maydens brest, Where neuer yet, one iot of ioy might rest. (250) Well then my ioy, (quoth Pyrame ) since yee please, With so greater loue, to guerdon my good will: Safe am I now, but great were mine ease, If more at full, I might my fancy fill: With nearer sight, of your most pleasant face, (255) Or if I might, your dayntie fingers straine: Or as I woont, your body once embrace, What say I ease? nay heauen then were my gayne. Howbeit in vayne, in vayne (ay mee) I waste, Both worde and winde, woes mee (alas) therfore: (260) For neuer shall my hart, O Thisbie taste, So great an hap, nor neuer shall wee more: In folded armes, as woont were to bewray, Eche others state, ne neuer get the grace: Of any ioy, vnlesse wee doo assay, (265) To finde some meane for other meeting place. Beholde (alas) this wicked cruell wall, Whose cursed scyte, denayeth vs perfect sight: Much more the hap, of other ease at all. What if I should by force, as well one might: (270) And yet deserues, it batter flat to ground, And open so, an issue large to make: Yet feare I sore, this sooner will redownde, To our reproche, if it I vndertake: As glad I would, then vs to helpe or ayde, (275) Sweet hart (quoth shee) wherwith shee stopt his tale: This standes full yll: to purpose to be made, And time it askes, too long for to preuayle: Without suspect, to flat or batter euen, Naythlesse, yee this, or what ye can deuise: (280) For our repayre, by thought that may be driuen, Say but the meane, I will none otherwise.