[sig. Oiiir]
(210) And inward feare, of parents wrath is such, Least longer talke, should giue them any light Of our repayre, that further to recyte, My heaped yls I neuer dare ne may, Yet oftenly, wee wisely heare may meete: (215) At chosen times which shall vs not bewray, And this for short, thy Thisbie shalt thou see: With morning light, here present eft to bee, To this full fayne would Pyramus, replyed haue agayne, But part as neede, inforst they must, & as they did ordayne: (220) Ere mornings dawne they doo arise & straight repayre they then Unto the fore appoynted place, Pyrame thus began.
M Yne entyer soule, what prison dollours? What hard distresse, and rare deuysed woes? Of mee thine owne, thy captiue Pyramus, (225) Haue so sought, this life from boddy to vnlose: Hard were to tell the tenth, that haue it strained, With thought hereof, great wonders mee amaze: How my poore lyfe, the halfe may haue sustayned, O Thisbie mine owne, whom it only stayes. (230) And at whose will the fates doo lend mee breath, Yet may I not the fatall stroke eschew: Ne scape the dinte of fast pursuing death, Onles your bounty, present mercy shew: And this I trust, there may no ielous thought, (235) Haue any place within my Thisbies brest: To cause her deeme, I am or may be caught. With loue but hers wheron my life doth rest, No bee assured, for yours I onely taste: Yours was the first, and shall bee first and last, (240) Why my most sweet (quoth Thisbie ) then agayne: I doubt not I, but know ye are all true, Or how may cause of your vndoubted payne: With her be hyd, who hourely as it grew, None other felt, but euen what yée haue had: (245) Yet thinke not sweet, I taste your greefes alone,