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Let not thy treasure make thee prowde, Nor pouerty bee disalowde: (65) Remember who doth giue and take, One God both riche and poore doth make: Wee nothing had or ought shall haue. To beare with vs vnto our graue: But vertuous life which here wee leade, (70) On our behalfe for grace to plead.
Therfore I say thy lust refrayne, And seeke not after brickle gayne: But seeke that wealth, the which will last, When that this mortall life is past: (75) In heauen is ioy and pleasure still, This world is vayne and full of yll: Use not so lewd thy worldly pelfe, So that thou doost forget thy selfe: Liue in this world as dead in sinne, (80) And dye in Christ, true life to win.
Win fame, and keepe it. +
W Ho sees the yll, and seekes to shun the same, Shall doutlesse win at length immortal fame: For wisdome, vice and vertue doth perceaue, Shee vertue takes, but vice shee seekes to leaue. (5) A wise man knowes the state of each degree, The good be praysde, the euill dishonord bee: Hee sees the good, the euill hee doth espye, Hee takes the good, the euill hee doth denye: Hee folowes good, the euill hee dooth eschue, (10) Hee leapes the lake, when others stay to vew. +His honor stands, his fame doth euer last, Upon the earth when breathing breath is past: