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(35) Which vs in youth, to error doth entice, And sturs vs vp, in flamed by follyes heat. Our mindes are mooued, with euery fond desire, Wee gloze in that, the which wee see vnsure: Wee vsuall seeke great honor to aspire, (40) Whose greatest pompe, doth but a while endure: For proofe the flower, bedect with gorgious hew, As soone with heate, of scorching sun doth fade: As doth the weede, the which vnseemly grew, And showes it selfe, vncouerd with the shade. (45) The stately ship, which floates on foming fluds, With waue is tost, as soone to surging Seas: Doth yeeld his pompe, though fraught with store of goods, As vessell weake, whose force the streame assayes: Our selues may show, the state of eche degree, (50) As Sampson stout, whose force Philistians felt: For wealth, let Diues, glut with golde our Mirror bee, Marke Nemrods fall, whose hart with pride was swelt. And diuers mo, whose preter pathes may learne, Our future steps, our vayn vnsteady stay: (55) Whose elder lyues, already past may warne, Us shun such snares, which leades vs to decay.