[sig. Liiv]
Your phrases fine philed, did force mee agree, Willow willow willow willow: (25) In hope as you promis’d, you loyall would bée, Willow willow willow willow.
But now you be frisking, you list not abide, Sing all of greene willow: Your vow most vnconstant, and faythlesse is tride, (30) Sing willow, willow willow: Your wordes are vncertayne, not trusty you stand, Which makes mee to weare, the willow Garland: Willow willow willow, sing all of greene willow, Sing all of greene willow, shall bee my Garland.
(35) Hath Light of loue luld you, so softe in her lap? Sing all of greene willow: Hath fancy prouokte you? did loue you intrap? Sing willow willow willow: That now you be flurting, and will not abide. (40) Willow willow willow willow: To mee which most trusty, in time should haue tride, Willow willow willow willow.
Is modest demeanure, thus turnd to vntrust? Sing all of greene willow: (45) Are fayth and troth fixed, approoued vniust? Sing willow, willow will: Are you shee which constant, for euer would stand? And yet will you giue mee, the willow Garland? Willow willow willow, singe all of greene willow, (50) Sing all of greene willow, shall bee my Garland.