[sig. Liir]
And diuers moe, as Axeres whose beauty passing faire, So Iphis hart, and boyling brest allurde: That for her sake, hee liude in extreame care, And cruell greefe, while breathing breath indurde: (35) But at the length, disdayne vpon a tree, Hee honge himselfe, where shee his corps might see.
¶ A Louer approuing his Lady vnkinde.
Is forsed vnwilling to vtter his minde. +
Willow willow willow, singe all of greene willow, Sing all of greene willow, shall bee my Garland. +
M Y loue, what mislyking in mee do you finde, Sing all of greene willow: (5) That on such a soddayn, you alter your minde, Sing willow willow willow: What cause doth compell you, so fickle to bee? Willow willow willow willow: In hart which you plighted, most loyall to mee, (10) Willow willow willow willow.
I faythfully fixed, my fayth to remayne, Sing all of greene willow: In hope I as constant, should finde you agayne, Sing willow willow willow: (15) But periurde as Iason, + you faythlesse I finde, Which makes mee vnwilling, to vtter my minde: Willow willow willow, singe all of greene willow, Sing all of greene willow shall bee my Garland.