[sig. Liiir]
(55) Your loue which was ready for aye to indure, Willow willow willow willow: According to promise most constant and sure, Willow willow willow willow.
What gallant you conquerd, what youth mooude your mind, (60) Sing all of greene willow: To leaue your olde Louer, and bee so vnkinde, Singe willow willow willow: To him which you plighted both fayth, troth and hand, For euer: yet giues mee the willow Garland? (65) Willow willow willow, singe all of greene willow, Sing all of greene willow, shall bee my Garland.
Hath wealth you allured, the which I doo want, Sing all of greene willow: Hath pleasant deuises, compeld you recant, (70) Sing willow willow willow: Hath feature forste you, your words to deny? Willow willow willow willow: Or is it your fashion to cog, and to lye, Willow willow willow willow?
(75) What are your sweet smiles, quite turnd into lowres, Sing all of greene willow: Or is it your order, to change them by howres, Sing willow willow willow: What haue you sufficient, thinke you in your hand, (80) To pay for the making, of my willow Garland: Willow willow willow, singe all of greene willow, Sing all of greene willow, shall bee my Garland.