[sig. Kiv]
¶ A Letter written by a yonge gentilwoman and sent to her
husband vnawares (by a freend of hers) into Italy. +
I Magine when these blurred lines, thus scribled out of frame,Shall come before thy careles eyes, for thee to read the same: To bee through no default of pen, or els through prowd disdayne, But only through surpassing greefe, which did the Author payne (5) Whose quiuring hand could haue no stay, this carful bil to write Through flushing teares distilling fast, whilst shee did it indite: Which teares perhaps may haue some force (if thou no tigre bee, And mollifie thy stony hart, to haue remorse on mee. Ah periurde wight reclaime thy selfe, and saue thy louing mate, (10) Whom thou hast left beclogged now, in most vnhappy state: (Ay mee poore wench) what luckles star? what frowning god aboue What hellish hag? what furious fate hath changd our former loue? Are wee debard our wonted ioyes? shall wee no more embrace? Wilt thou my deare in country strang, ensue Eneas race: +(15) Italians send my louer home, hee is no Germayne borne, Unles ye welcome him because hee leaues mee thus forlorne. As earst ye did Anchises sonne, the founder of your soyle, Who falsely fled from Carthage Queene, releeuer of his toyle: Oh send him to Bryttannia Coastes, vnto his trusty feere, (20) That shee may vew his cumly corps, whom shee estemes so deere: Where wee may once againe renue, our late surpassed dayes, Which then were spent with kisses sweet, & other wanton playes: But all in vayne (forgiue thy thrall, if shee do iudge awrong) Thou canst not want of dainty TrullesItalian Dames among. (25) This only now I speake by gesse, but if it happen true, Suppose that thou hast seene the sword, that mee thy Louer slue: Perchance through time so merrily with dallying damsels spent, Thou standst in d
oubt & wilte enquire from whom these lines were|( sent: If so, remember first of all, if thou hast any spowse, (30) Remember when, to whom and why, thou earst hast plited vowes, Remember who esteemes thee best, and who bewayles thy flight, Minde her to whom for loyalty thou falshood doost requight.
oubt & wilte enquire from whom these lines were|( sent: If so, remember first of all, if thou hast any spowse, (30) Remember when, to whom and why, thou earst hast plited vowes, Remember who esteemes thee best, and who bewayles thy flight, Minde her to whom for loyalty thou falshood doost requight.