Of patience. +Rollins points out that a variant on this quatrain is written in the margin of a manuscript of Hoccleve’s poems, DUL: Cosin V.iii.9, that can be dated to c. 1500/1540. Author: unattributed. Structure (May/Ringler): 4: a10bab8
A Soueraygne salueremedy there is for eche disease: The cheefechéefe reuenge for cruell ire Is pacience, the cheefe and present ease, For to delay eche yll desire.
Of lawlesse lust. +Author: unattributed. Structure (May/Ringler): 4: aa10bb8
A N euerlasting bondage doth heehée choose, That can not tell a litle how to vse: HeeHée scant ynough for shame puruayes,He does not put aside enough for shame That all alone to lust obayes.
Of will, and reason. +Rollins points out that a variant on this quatrain is written in the margin of a manuscript of Hoccleve’s poems, DUL: Cosin V.iii.9, that can be dated to c. 1500/1540. Author: ‘I. S.’ [John Salisbury] in O3: 184. Another copy in O3: 184, c. 1600, fol. 1v, copied by Sir John Salisbury. Structure (May/Ringler): 4: abab6
I Count this conquest great, That can by reasons skill: Subdue affections heate, And vanquish wanton will.
Of three things to be shunned. +Author: unattributed. Structure (May/Ringler): 8: 2×4 a8b6a8b6
T HreeHrée thinges, who seekes for prayse, must flye, To please the taste with wine Is one: another, for to lye Full softe on fethers fine. (5) The thirde and hardest for to shunne, And cheefestchéefest to eschew, Is lickerouslickerish, liquorish, sweet, tempting, greedy lust, which once begun, Repentance doth ensuefollow .
Of beauty, and chastity. +Author: unattributed. Structure (May/Ringler): 4: abab8
C Hastity a vertue rare, Is seldome knowen to run her race: Where cumly shape and beauty faire, Are seeneséene to haue a bydingenduring, lasting place.
Of wisdome. +Author: unattributed. Structure (May/Ringler): 4: abab8
W Ho seekethséeketh the renowne to haue, And ekealso the prayse of Uertues name: Of Wisdome rare heehée ought to craue, With gladsome will to worke the same.