[sig. Hiiiir]
Though forse do breake it, vnto peeces small, Those peeces somewhat, you resemble shall.
¶ In the prayse of the rare beauty, and manifolde
vertues of Mistres D. as followeth. +
I F Chawcer yet did lyue, whose English tongue did passe, Who sucked dry Pernassus spring, and raste the Iuice there was: If Surrey had not scalde, the height of Ioue his Throne, Unto whose head a pillow softe, became Mount Helycon : (5) They with their Muses could, not haue pronounst the fame, Of D. faire Dame, lo, a staming stock, the cheefe of natures frame. They would but haue eclipsed, her beauties golden blast, Nor Ouid yet of Poets Prince, whose wits all others past. Olde Nestor with his tongue, and flowing dew so sweete, +(10) Would rather haue berefte her right, then pend her praises meete In Helens heauenly face, whose grace the Greekes bought deare, For whose defence prowd Troy did fal, such forme did not appeare. In Hectors sister + loe: who Pirhus Father rapte, Did not abound sutch beauty bright, as now to D, hath hapt: (15) For D, doth passe as far, Dame Venus with her prise, As Venus did the other two, by doome of Paris wise. If shee had present been, within the walles of Ide, +They would not had such discord then, nor Paris iudgd that side. In minde all voyd of doubt, they straight agreed would, (20) That D, should of good right, the Aple haue of Golde. Whom as I must beleeue, that nature did create, To rob the hartes of noble Kings, and courage stoute to mate: Her forhead seemely spaste, wherin doo shine her eyes, No whit vnlike to star
res by night, or beame when Phebus ryse. (25) Her haire that shines like golde, her shoulders couer whight. To which no snow on Mountayne highe, may be compared right: Her mouth well compast small, in smylings vtters forth A treasure riche of Orient Pearle, therto no Golde more worth,
res by night, or beame when Phebus ryse. (25) Her haire that shines like golde, her shoulders couer whight. To which no snow on Mountayne highe, may be compared right: Her mouth well compast small, in smylings vtters forth A treasure riche of Orient Pearle, therto no Golde more worth,