[sig. Giiv]
¶ The Louer wisheth himselfe an Harte in the Foreste, (as
Acteon was) for his Ladyes sake. +
I Would I were Acteon, whom Diana did disguise, To walke the woods vnknown, wheras my lady lies: A hart of pleasant hew, I wish that I were so, So that my Lady knew, alone mee, and no mo.
(5) To follow thicke and plaine, by hill and dale alow, To drinke the water fayne, and feede mee with the sloe: I would not feare the frost, to lye vpon the ground, Delight should quite the cost, what payne so that I found.
The shaling nuts and mast, that falleth from the tree, (10) Should serue for my repast, might I my Lady see, Sometime that I might say, when I saw her alone, Beholde thy slaue alone, that walkes these woods vnknowen.
¶ An Epytaph vpon the death of Arthur
Fletchar of Bangor Gent. +
The grisly ghostes which walke below in black Cocistus Lakes, +Mids Ditis dennes, Erebus Dames, with heare of vgly Snakes Medusa with thy monstrous mates, assist mee now a while, In dyre wamenting verse to shew, and drierie dolefull stile. (5) The fayre vntimely fatall ende of Fletcher, now by death, Unto the Ayre his soule with Ioue , resignde his latest breath: Whose life full due wee must commend, as it deserues the same, And conuersation to eche one, did seldome meryt blame. A faythfull freend to eche hee was, to none an oppen foe, (10) Unto his Prince a subiect true, till fates had lodgd him loe. His actes did tend to no mans harmes, no Parasite to prayse, For greedy gayne but still the troth, mayntaynd at all assayes.