[sig. Giiiv]
For write ye not that vertues haue no grace Wheras this trust and stablenesse doth want, +As other things, though much of cumly face: (20) Cannot be seene, where gladsome light is skant. +A mayd to false for thee, an easie case, Whose Idol, Lord & God thou werst most puisant Whom with thy wordes it easly had bin donne, To make beleue both colde and darke the sonne. +
(25) Cruell, what offence hast thou for to bewayle, The killing of thy loue if thou not repent? +If yee accompte so light of fayth to fayle: +What other sinne can make thy harte lament? How treate you foes, if mee ye doo assayle? (30) That loues thee so, with such cruell torment: The heauens iustles, I will say to bee: In case they shew the iust reuenge of mee. +
If of offences all, that monstrous vice Ingratitude, do most a man offend, (35) And if for that, an Angell of great price, Was forced to Hell, from heauen to dissend: If great offence, great chastisment entice When to reforme, the hart doth not him bend, +Take heed sharp skourge that God on thee not send (40) Thou art to mee vnkinde, and doost not mend.
If these also, besides some other spotI haue (vnkinde) wherof thee to accuse, That thou my hart with holdst, I meane it not, +I speake of thee that madest thee myne by lot, (45) And robbest mee since, against reason which I must +Restore (vnkinde) for well thou wottest it playne, They shalbe damned that others goods retaine.