[sig. Giiir]
His time hee spent in Uertues lore, as seemd his state full wel, By serious study what hee could, hee sought for to excel. (15) But what of al this same? the fates no wight in time wyll spare, When gastly death hath pearst in earth, then must our bodyes weare In age aswell in youthes, in youthes aswell in age, No certayne time wee haue to bide, when death with vs wil wage. No thing can still abide, but comes to nought in ende, (20) The craggy Rocks the sturdiest okes: starke rotten once is rend. +And so hath Fletcher, now to death payd his due, What hee is now wee must bee all, his Funerall then vew.
¶ A Lady writeth vnto her Louer wherin shee most
earnestly chargeth him with Ingratitude. +
O Wretched wight whom hensfoorth may I trust All men both falce and fell I will them painte, If thou (vnkinde) bee cruell and vniust Whom I alwayes so faythfull held and quainte: (5) What cruelty? what trustles treasons iust? Was euer hard by tragicall complaint? But lesse then this, my merit if I may, And thy desart in equall ballance lay. +
Wherfore (vnkinde) since that on liue?(10) A worthier wight of prowes ne beauty, Ne that by much to thee that doth ariue, In cumly porte ne genorositie. +Why doost thou not tweene these thy vertues striue, It may bee sayd thou hast serbillitie: +(15) Then say that who of fayth is holden stable: There may to him none els bee comparable.