[sig. Fiiiv]
(5) My freendship fast, my loue nor my good will, Shew some releefe, least in dispayre I spill.
How well I was content Alwayes to follow thee? How well I did assent, (10) Thy thrall aye for to beeThy selfe can iudge to whom I doo appeale, By sentence lo, to yeeld mee wo or weale.
But if thou mee forsake, As Cressid that forgot, (15) True Troylus her make, And that thy hart is whot On him whom shame did force thee once his fayth to ||(flie, +I see no hope but that hee must yeeld forth himself to die.
And though thou thinke that I, (20) Am loth thee too forgoe, Yet shall I rather die Then liue and please my foe: But hindre him in loue, all others doth refrayne, Whose treason once did mee purchace thy due disdain +
¶ A worthy comparison of Vertue agaynst
all worldly pompe. +
W Hen that I way with wit, and eke consider now, The tickle stay of her, that Fortunes wheele doth bow And turne euen at her will, such luck, loe, as shee list, No thread so surely sponne, but that shee may vntwist. (5) I can but aye lament, and wayle the lacke of them, That in her holde doo trust, weighing they are but men.