[sig. Eir]
But all for nought I doo complayne For why the deafe can mone no noyse, +No more can they which doo disdayne: But will in harte therat reioyce. (65) Wherfore twixt life and death I stay Til time with daughter his drawe nye Which may these furious foes dismay: Or els in ruthfull plight I dye.
¶ The Louer in bondage looketh for releasement and
longeth for the releefe of his wedding day. +
W Hen shall reliefe release my wo? When shall desert, disdayne digest? When shall my hap, hap to mee so? That my poore hart may come too rest. (5) When shall it so? when shall it so? When shall longe loue bee looked vpon? When shall tried truth bee homeliest? When shall hope haue that hope hangeth on? That my poore hart may come to rest. (10) When shall it so? &c. When shall I see shee seethe right? When shall I heare shee heareth mee best? When shall I feele, shee feeleth delight? That my poore harte may come to rest. (15) When shall it so. &c. When stinte all stormes that thus agreeue?+When stinte all stayes that wrong hath wrest? When stinte all strifes right to releeue ? +That my poore hart may come to rest. (20) When shall it so? &c.