[sig. Eiiv]
My fayth alas I gaue To wight of Cressids kinde, For stedfast loue I loue did craue As curtesy doth binde.
(5) Shee likewise troth doth plight To bee a constant loue, And proue her self euen maugre |(spightA faythfull turtle Doue.
But lo a womans minde (10) Cloakt hole with deepe deceyt And driuen with euery gale of |(winde. To bite at fresher bayt
For when bewitch shee had My minde that erst was free, (15) And that her cumly beauty bad My wounded hart agree. +
And fixt on Fancyes lore As world can witnesse beare, No other saynct I did adore: (20) Or Idole any whear +
Ne will, no wo, or smart Could minde from purpose fet, But that I had a Iasons harte The golden fleese to get. +
(25) Ne for my part I swere By all the Gods aboue, I neuer thought on other fere Or sought for other loue.
In her the like consente I saw ful oft appear, If eyes be iudge of that it mente Or eares haue power to heare.
(5) Yet woordes bee turnd to winde +A new found gest hath got The Fort, which once, to vndermine +And win I planted shot
Her freend that ment her well (10) Out of conceyt is quite, While other beares away the bell By hitting of the white. +
In this our wauering age So light are womens mindes. (15) As Aspen leafe that stil doth rage +Though aeole calme his windes.
No place hath due desart No place hath constancy In eueri mood their mindes back ||(start (20) As dayly wee may see.
What paps did giue them food That weue sutch webs of wo What beast is of so cruell mood That countes his freend for fo: +
(25) Yet women doo reward With cares the louing wight They constancy no whit regard, In change is their delight.