[sig. Eiiiiv]
Sent from the rayes of those thy eyes Which bread my wo and smart.
In vewing thee I tooke sutch ioy As wofull wight in rest (15) Untill the blinded boy I felte Assault my captiue brest. And since that time alas Such pinching payne I taste That I am now remedilesse (20) If mercy make not haste. For hid in deepe dispayre My teares are all my ioy, I burne, I freese, I sinke, I swim My wealth is mine annoy.
(25) Lyke as the tender turtle Doue Doth wayle the losse of mate, In mourning weed, so spend I tyme Lamentinge mine estate. The night renewes my cares (30) When weary limmes would rest, And dreadfull dreames abandon slepe Which had my greefes represt. +I drench my couch with teares Which flow from gushing eyes, (35) A thousand heapes of hidden thoughtes In minde I doo deuise.