[sig. Aiir]
A. M. Vnto all yong Gentilmen,
in commendacion of this Gallery
and workemen therof. +
S EE Gallaunts, see, this Gallery of delightes, With buyldings braue, imbost of variant hue: With daynties deckt, deuisde by worthy wights, +(Which) as time serude, vnto perfection grew. (5) By studies toyle with phrases fine they fraught: This peereles peece, filde full, of pretty pith: And trimde it, (with) what skill, and learning taught, In hope to please your longing mindes therwith. Which workemanship, by worthy workemen wrought, (10) (Perusde) least in obliuion it should ly: A willing minde, eche part togeather sought, And termde (the whole) A gorgious Gallerye : Wherin you may, to recreate the minde, Such fyne Inuentions finde, for your delight: (15) That, for desart, their dooings will you binde , To yeelde them prayse, so well a worke to wright .