[sig. Aiiir]

of gallant Inuentions.
To a Gentilwoman that sayd: All men be false,
they thinke not what they say. +
S Ome women fayne that Paris was, The falsest louer that could bee: Who for his (life) did nothing passe, As all the world might playnly see: (5) But ventred life and limmes and all, To keepe his freend from Greekish thrall: +With many a broyle hee dearely bought, His (Hellen) whom hee long had sought. For first (Dame Venus ) graunted him, +(10) A gallant gifte of Beauties fleece: Which boldely for to seeke to win, By surging Seas hee sayld to Greece : And when hee was arriued theare, By earnest sute to win his Deare: (15) No greater paynes might man endure, Then Paris did, for Hellen sure. Besides all this when they were well, Both hee, and shee, arryu’d at Troy : Kinge Menelaus wrath did swell, (20) And swore, by sword, to rid their ioyes: And so hee did for ten yeres space, Hee lay before the Troyans face: With all the hoste that hee could make, To bee reueng’d for Hellens sake.