¶ Thirsis the Sheepheard his deaths song. +
T Hirsis to die desired, marking her eyes that to his hart was neerest: And shee that with his flame no lesse was fiered, sayd to him: Oh hart’s loue deerest: (5) Alas, forbeare to die now, By thee I liue, by thee I wish to die + too.
Thirsis that heate refrained, wherewith to die poore louer then hee hasted, Thinking it death while hee his lookes maintained, (10) full fixed on her eyes, full of pleasure, and louely Nectar sweet from them he tasted. His daintie Nimph, that now at hand espyed the haruest of loues treasure, Said thus, with eyes all trembling, faint and wasted: (15) I die now, The Sheepheard then replyed, and I sweet life doe die too.
Thus these two Louers fortunately dyed, Of death so sweet, so happy, and so desired: (20) That to die so againe their life retired.
FINIS. Out of Maister N. Young his Musica Transalpina.
¶Another stanza added after. +
T Hirsis enioyed the graces, Of Chloris sweet embraces, Yet both theyr ioyes were scanted: For darke it was, and candle-light they wanted. (5) Wherewith kinde Cinthia + in the heauen that shined, her nightly vaile resigned, and her faire face disclosed. Then each from others lookes such ioy deriued: That both with meere delight dyed, + and reuiued.
FINIS. Out of the same.